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What Is Poklahsar?

What Is Poklahsar?

Poklahsar is a name that we create to picture a group of women that is not only able to produce but also able to market their product. In Bahasa, Poklahsar Means “Kelompok Pengolah dan Pemasar” in which if we translate to English, the meaning will be Group of Producing and Marketing. The meaning behind the Creation of POKLAHSAR was not…

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Program Onboarding UMKM Potensial Tingkatkan Pemberdayaan UMKM di NTB

Program Onboarding UMKM Potensial Tingkatkan Pemberdayaan UMKM di NTB

Lombok, 5 November 2024 – Dalam upaya mendukung pengembangan usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah (UMKM) di Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB), Coastal Environmental and Fisheries (CEF) bekerja sama dengan Bank Indonesia menggelar program Onboarding UMKM Potensial. Program ini bertujuan untuk memperkuat kapasitas UMKM lokal dengan fokus pada strategi pemasaran digital, pengelolaan bisnis yang lebih efektif, dan penciptaan konten kreatif untuk meningkatkan…

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Masyarakat Pesisir Mandiri: Membangun Ketahanan dari Kebaikan Laut

Masyarakat Pesisir Mandiri: Membangun Ketahanan dari Kebaikan Laut

Di pesisir pantai yang terbentang luas, di mana ombak bergulung dan angin laut berhembus, hiduplah masyarakat pesisir yang telah lama membangun kearifan lokal dalam memanfaatkan kekayaan laut. Mereka bukan sekadar penghuni, tetapi pemelihara ekosistem laut yang lestari. Kehidupan mereka bergantung pada laut, dan dari sanalah mereka belajar tentang ketahanan, gotong royong, dan keberlanjutan. Masyarakat pesisir mandiri memiliki pengetahuan tradisional yang…

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Who We Are
CEF or Coastal Environmental & Fisheries is a local NGO based in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. Established on 2019, CEF originally created because of the concern regarding coastal environment sustainability and livelihood. CEF is still considered new in this field, but CEF advances progress have led CEF to won several prestige awards such as the one held by Bakrie Group and Pertamina Foundation for CEF success project. CEF means to be a research and community empowerment in the field of coastal environment and fisheries who has a reliable capacity and benchmark for the development of coastal and fisheries environment
Livelihood refers to the means of securing the basic necessities of life, such as food, shelter, and clothing, through various economic activities. Livelihoods can take many forms, including wage labor, self-employment, entrepreneurship, and subsistence farming.
Conservation refers to the protection, preservation, and management of natural resources such as wildlife, forests, water, and air. The goal of conservation is to ensure that these resources are used in a sustainable way so that they can continue to provide benefits for future generations.
Research is a systematic and structured process of inquiry that involves collecting and analyzing data to generate new knowledge or insights. It involves identifying a problem or question, formulating hypotheses or research questions, collecting and analyzing data, and interpreting and communicating the findings.
Let's be a part of environmental change
Welcome to our coastal environmental activities focused on fisheries! We are thrilled to have you join us in our efforts to promote sustainability and protect the natural habitats and resources of our precious coastal communities. Together, we can make a real difference in preserving the beauty and richness of our oceans and marine life.
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