What Is Poklahsar?

Poklahsar is a name that we create to picture a group of women that is not only able to produce but also able to market their product. In Bahasa, Poklahsar Means “Kelompok Pengolah dan Pemasar” in which if we translate to English, the meaning will be Group of Producing and Marketing. The meaning behind the Creation of POKLAHSAR was not…

Mengangkat Potensi Berdaya dan Keberlanjutan: Pelatihan Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan dan Pengemasan serta Rancang Label Produk Poklahsar oleh CEF di Labuhan Mapin

Labuhan Mapin, 14 Januari 2024 – Coastal Environmental & Fisheries (CEF) menggelar pelatihan pengolahan hasil perikanan dan pengemasan produk bagi kelompok Pengolah dan Pemasar (Poklahsar)/UMKM di Labuhan Mapin, Sumbawa. Kegiatan ini merupakan bagian dari program “Expansion and Strengthening Poklahsar Livelihoods in West Nusa Tenggara,” dengan tujuan meningkatkan keterampilan dan pengetahuan kelompok dampingan. Fokus utama adalah peningkatan kualitas produk, efisiensi produksi,…

How to Save The Coastal Environmental

The world’s coastal environments are under threat from a range of factors, including climate change, pollution, overfishing, and habitat loss. These issues are having a significant impact on the health of coastal ecosystems, as well as the communities that rely on them. However, there are steps that we can take to save the coastal environment and ensure that it remains…

Threat of The World today

Environmental pollution is one of the most significant threats to the world today. It has become a pressing issue in recent years, with detrimental effects on the health of humans, animals, and the environment. The pollution problem is multifaceted, with many different sources and forms of pollution contributing to the issue. One of the primary sources of pollution is industrial…

Human and Nature

Coastal Environment & Fisheries is an organization dedicated to protecting the fragile ecosystems of coastal areas and promoting sustainable fishing practices. With a team of experts in marine biology, conservation, and fisheries management, the organization works to educate local communities and policymakers on the importance of preserving the natural resources of our oceans. One of Coastal Environment & Fisheries’ primary…

Human and Nature

Coastal Environment & Fisheries is an organization dedicated to protecting the fragile ecosystems of coastal areas and promoting sustainable fishing practices. With a team of experts in marine biology, conservation, and fisheries management, the organization works to educate local communities and policymakers on the importance of preserving the natural resources of our oceans. One of Coastal Environment & Fisheries’ primary…


We would like to invite you to join us in supporting Coastal Environment & Fisheries, a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving and protecting the world’s oceans and marine life. Coastal Environment & Fisheries works tirelessly to promote sustainable fishing practices, combat climate change and plastic pollution, and advocate for marine conservation policies that safeguard our planet’s most precious ecosystems. Through…

How to Serve The World

Serving the world can mean different things to different people. It could involve volunteering your time and resources to help those in need, advocating for social and environmental justice, or simply living a life that inspires others to do good in the world. Regardless of your approach, serving the world can be a deeply fulfilling and rewarding experience. In this…

Human & Nature in Harmoni

Humans and nature are intrinsically linked in a delicate balance that is crucial to the survival of both. However, as human societies have developed and evolved, this relationship has become increasingly strained, leading to significant environmental degradation and ecological imbalances. In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the need to restore harmony between humans and nature in…

The world is facing a major environmental crisis.

The world is facing a major environmental crisis. Climate change, pollution, deforestation, and loss of biodiversity are just a few of the problems that threaten the health of our planet. The consequences of this crisis are far-reaching and potentially catastrophic. In this article, we will examine the nature of the environmental crisis and its implications for the future. The Environmental…

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