CEF x BPN, What’s In It for Us?

CEF x BPN, What’s In It for Us?

The Ministry of ATR/BPN of East Lombok have been actively encourage the community to achieve prosperity and opulence, the BPN Office of East Lombok carries out identification and field studies on the potential for superior MSME products to be fostered and assisted, in this case BPN of East Lombok especially asked CEF to work with them.

The BPN of East Lombok already identify the potential product of MSME’s actor in Pringgasela area, and they decided to chose for two groups that have the most significant improvement and stable industry, they are the group of Nina Penenun, and also Maloka Tenun.

CEF who was asked to be the educator to the member of the facility was trying to empower and educate the MSME’s actor about the challenges they are facing everyday as MSME’s actor. The material about the seminary was how to improve product quality, packaging, branding and online marketing. Empowerment of MSMEs continues to be carried out through coaching.

CEF were really grateful for the chance given by BPN of East Lombok to carry out this seminar. We hope that the member of the seminar, can gain benefit and new useful knowledge for them in the Future. Special Thank You for The BPN of East Lombok, for choosing CEF to be the Partner, we hope the intention could be delivered nicely to the receiver!

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