Multi Stakeholder Cooperative (KMP) CEF x WCS Latest Join Collaboration Explained

Multi Stakeholder Cooperative (KMP) CEF x WCS Latest Join Collaboration Explained

CEF were invited by WCS on this 4-6th of June to Bogor to discuss about our latest collaboration, and we proudly present to you Multi Stakeholder Cooperative (Koperasi Multi Pihak (KMP) in Bahasa Indonesia), a business scheme that we design in the hope to help MSME’s boost the selling of their product, as well as increasing the awareness of the brand, and the MSME’s actor.

So, prepare your cup of coffee and this 3 minutes read will get you to know more about our KMP

  1. What is KMP?
    • KMP are co-ops that are owned and controlled by more than one type of membership class such as consumers, producers, workers, volunteers, or community supporters. Stakeholders can be individuals or organizations such as non-profits, businesses, government agencies, or even other cooperatives. (Wisconsin-Madison University
  2. Why is KMP?
    • KMP represent a re-articulation of the linkages between economic and social spheres in an environment where the global economy and new technologies call for a potentially unlimited mobility of capital, labour and knowledge. (Jean-Pierre Girard dalam Lund, 2011)
  3. What is new from KMP?
    • KMP Members are not only of the typically co-operative users owners-employees type, but also investor-members and promoting members, contributing capital and knowledge, without the intention to use the services of the co-operative. (Munkner, 2004)
  4. How to do KMP?
    • Despite the common assumption held by researchers that multi-stakeholder cooperatives will fail due to a decision-making structure that is inherently costly, available empirical evidence on these cooperatives suggests that different groups of actors are, in fact, able to govern themselves successfully and pursue shared goals. (Reid dan Fairbairn, 2011)
  5. Who will be beneficial from KMP?
    • Those who will be beneficial from KMP are:
      • Fishermen, we bought our livestock from
      • POKLAHSAR, the producer that product we sell and distribute
      • The Financier, with good business scheme, the return will be good
      • Our Customer, easier to access, easier to Purchase

That is the brief Explanation of how KMP is, we actually found KMP doer everywhere on our daily life.

For Short the example of KMP, let’s imagine that you are a famous Band dan have loyal fans everywhere, and there is a producer and a financier that attracted to create something for you and about you, that very simple example is already KMP.

We hope that Our KMP plan can run easily and safely hopefully this year, you are more than welcome if you are interested on joining with us, The More The Merrier, They said!!

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