What Is Poklahsar?

What Is Poklahsar?

Poklahsar is a name that we create to picture a group of women that is not only able to produce but also able to market their product.

In Bahasa, Poklahsar Means “Kelompok Pengolah dan Pemasar” in which if we translate to English, the meaning will be Group of Producing and Marketing.

The meaning behind the Creation of POKLAHSAR was not only to enhance the economy of people in coastal environment, but also to increase their knowledge about gender equity and equality, thus we purposefully create POKLAHSAR for it to be only consist of Female member. We want to empower our women and to fully support them to be able to stand on their own while supporting their family.

The process of creating a POKLAHSAR in one area alone is not that easy, we need to do survey first to assess if the area is worth developing. Finding Challenges along the journey was not something strange anymore for us. The idea of Building a better life by changing the mindset of our women and empowering them was what kept us going. Get to spend time with them, and to unite with their way of Life, was also something that more valuable than any thank you anyone would ever imagine.

This is us, trying to share a tale, about trying to change what have been rooted on us since we were a child. To create a better life, is to improve our human resources especially our women.

We hope that in the future, the women of our POKLAHSAR can grow more than what we taught them to be.

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