CEF x BPN, What’s In It for Us?

The Ministry of ATR/BPN of East Lombok have been actively encourage the community to achieve prosperity and opulence, the BPN Office of East Lombok carries out identification and field studies on the potential for superior MSME products to be fostered and assisted, in this case BPN of East Lombok especially asked CEF to work with them. The BPN of East…

Mengangkat Ekonomi Lokal: Sukses Pelatihan UMKM di Pulau Sumbawa

Pulau Sumbawa, 19 Januari 2024 – Program pelatihan pengolahan hasil perikanan dan pengemasan produk di Pulau Sumbawa mencapai kesuksesan besar. Coastal Environmental & Fisheries (CEF) dan Asosiasi Pelaku Industri Kecil Menengah (APIKM) bersama-sama mendukung kelompok pengolah dan pemasar (Poklahsar)/UMKM dari lima desa terpilih: Direktur CEF, Muslihuddin Aini, menyatakan kegembiraannya atas keberhasilan program ini. “Dengan dukungan penuh dari APIKM dan bantuan…

Human and Nature

Coastal Environment & Fisheries is an organization dedicated to protecting the fragile ecosystems of coastal areas and promoting sustainable fishing practices. With a team of experts in marine biology, conservation, and fisheries management, the organization works to educate local communities and policymakers on the importance of preserving the natural resources of our oceans. One of Coastal Environment & Fisheries’ primary…


We would like to invite you to join us in supporting Coastal Environment & Fisheries, a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving and protecting the world’s oceans and marine life. Coastal Environment & Fisheries works tirelessly to promote sustainable fishing practices, combat climate change and plastic pollution, and advocate for marine conservation policies that safeguard our planet’s most precious ecosystems. Through…

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